Full Refund If Not Satisfied: 90-Day Happiness Guarantee

When you order from Pique, your complete satisfaction is our highest priority.  We understand it can sometimes be difficult to make a purchase if you have not been able to previously sample the teas. Our 90-Day Happiness Guarantee helps you purchase your teas risk-free: if you're unhappy with your purchase made from our main store, you may return your package to us for a refund anytime within the first 90 days of your purchase. We’ll even provide a free return shipping label!  

You can trust that all of our products are held to the highest standards of quality, purity, and flavor. In no event will a replacement or refund constitute an admission of any kind and we reserve the right to investigate claims that may be unfounded or fraudulent.

For further questions, contact our team for assistance anytime at care@piquelife.com

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